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Educational Exposure Visit Strengthens Nepal-India Academic Ties

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  In a significant step towards fostering cross-border educational collaboration, students from Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus in Damauli, Nepal, embarked on an educational exposure visit to GNIOT Institute of Management in Greater Noida, India. Landing in Delhi on the morning of December 18th, the group was warmly received, setting the stage for an enriching experience. 

During the visit, the students explored various academic facilities, including faculty rooms, classrooms, and the library. The tour was expertly guided by Dr. Nishant Kr. Singh, Associate Professor/Dean Examinations, and Dr. Bhupender Kr. Som, Professor/Director. Their insights provided a valuable perspective on the institute's academic culture. 

A pivotal moment of the visit was the interactive session with the faculty, where Chief Maha Prasad Hadkhale from Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus presented an introduction to their institution. This exchange of knowledge and experiences laid the foundation for potential future collaborations, fostering mutual understanding and strengthening educational ties between the two nations. 

The visit not only opened doors for cultural exchange but also showcased the commitment of both institutions to nurturing global perspectives in education. Such initiatives contribute significantly to the broader goal of promoting international cooperation in academia.